"Critics are born to criticise, that's their job. In an open forum if I comment that Godfather is a good film I guess hardly anyone will notice on the contrary If I say that Godfather is a bull shit fi"

"Very good movies. I am a big fan of Nolan's work too. Try some old classics though..."

"great list The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was the best one.. "

"yaah right thanks for the correction I got mixed up with Joe Pesci..."

"Dont go by the Percentage in RT as it signifies % of Positive review and there are separate ratings for each film. However IMDB is more reliable anyday as no of voters are so many so that average outs"

"Nice Try, But I did not understand what hype has to do with anything. I watch a film just when I feel like watching it. So the Hype thing not withstanding. Unfortunately 90% of these movies are closer"